Exhibition design, graphic design, infographics and photoshoot design for Putretti by Sonja Dallyn. Infographic made following visual guidelines created by Federico Simeoni. The research group exhibited their project in Designs for a Cooler Planet: Loving Environments. | 2021

Researchers at Aalto have developed an ecological precision fertiliser for forests from compost and ash. Putretti is a sustainable forest fertiliser made out of municipal waste side streams. Fertilisation of forests boosts tree growth and thus increases both carbon sequestration and forest owner returns. It contains all the nutrients trees need – without chemical processes and mineral extraction which burden the environment. The carbon footprint of this fertiliser is only one-tenth that of a similar chemical product.
Photos: Anne Kinnunen
Exhibition photos: Mikko Raskinen
Read more:
Designer Sonja Dallyn turns ecofertilizer into aha moments | Aalto University
An outlaw fertiliser (shorthandstories.com)