
Irti is an experimental poetry publication created in artistic collaboration between Sonja Dallyn and Laura Rajalin. The poems are accessible and unadorned, yet deeply personal. The lyrical self of the unmeasured poems is vulnerable and unashamedly honest. | Published 14.10.2023

Poetry is Dallyn's latest medium of introspection. The work is about a deep first love, its abandonment and aftermath. The publication was inspired by a trip to a friend’s summer cottage - quiet conversations on a midsummer morning, two hammocks side by side. Both artists had recently been dumped. 

Tired, shattered, but empowered by their work, the artists open their hearts once more. Self-publishing becomes a therapeutic process in which the artists’ subjective experiences merge into a collective source of inspiration. Heartbreak becomes the source material for the creative process. Malleable, like cool clay between the fingers.

Laura Rajalin is a graphic designer and artist whose subtle handprint ties the entire publication together. Rajalin's choices influence the visual layout of the poems, enhancing and enlivening their expressive power. The layout and font choices create an atmosphere that gently rebels against the minimalist masculinity of modern graphic design. 

The illustrations in the publication are memories of Dallyn's first love, pressed souvenirs from the wilderness of Lapland to the Bougainvillea boulevards of the Canaries. The flowers she received as tokens of love, are twisted like a painful memory into a new form, distorted by longing and sadness. The combination of illustration and text forms a multi-layered whole that ultimately amounts to more than two separate processes of mourning.

Papers: Nautilus Classic 200g

Lessebo smooth white 100g

Transparent tracing paper 90g

Fonts: Xanti Typewriter

Available for pre-order, contact by email.


Shibari Glass